8 Reasons Why Herbal Medicines are So Popular
July 1, 2016Natural Treatment of Bawaseer
A maltas is grown as decorative tree. it also known as golden shower flower. Cassia Fistula is easily known by its beautiful yellow flowers. it is state flower of Kerala (India) and national tree of Thailand. Cassia Fistula has bright yellow flowers in Leap & summer in India. it is a very valuable medicinal tree and has been used in Ayurveda. it is used in many medicinal treatments such as Skin diseases, Liver Protection, Burning Sensations, Ringworm affection, diabetes, dry cough, fever, Asthma, inflammations reducing, heart related diseases and Bawaseer (Bawasir) or Piles.

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Health Benefits of Amaltas Tree ( Cassia Fistula )
Helps in reliving the symptoms of asthma, diabetes, ringworm, fever and heart related diseases.
Seed, Pulp & Root of Cassia Fistula have immense medicinal value.
Pest of root is useful in skin diseases, burning sensations and syphilis.
Bark is useful in boils, leprosy, ringworm affection, diabetes and cardiac problems.
Leaves are useful in skin diseases, burning sensation, dry cough and fever.
Fruits are used in flatulence, colic, dysentery, inflammations and intermittent fever.
Flowers are useful in cardiac disorders, intermittent fever and general debility.
Cassia fistula also used in the treatment of cancer, delirium, diarrhea, gravel, pimples.
Here are few Ayurvedic methods for Healing Fistula or Piles (Hemorrhoids)
Taking 6-12gms of Triphala churan with hot water will help clear the bowels.
Eating plenty of ripe papaya as a fruit and unripe as a vegetable.
Yam, chaulaee, and radish roots (with salt) can also be an integral part of the diet.
Taking 25-50gms of radish juice daily will not only help the bleeding piles but also improve the blood in circulation.
Onions have favorable effects on the piles especially bleeding piles.
About 30 gm of onions should be finely rubbed in the water and then add 60gms of sugar to it.
Take this mixture two times a day. For the dried piles, crushed onion, skinned and then roasted can be applied over the affected area.
Any ayurvedic medicine with compositions such as Ngkesar, Bhringraj,Daruhaldi, Amaltas etc. it can be effective medication against piles.