8 Reasons Why Herbal Medicines are So Popular
July 1, 2016
Get a Thin Stomach with Almond Oil
July 1, 20166 Health Benefits of Holy Basil – Tulsi
H oly Basil most popularly known as Tulsi in India and It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurveda for its many medicinal properties. Tulsi has got the great medicinal value. It is known as Holy Basil in English and Tulasi in Sanskrit. Scientifically it is called as Ocimum sanctum. Some people consume its leaves on regular basis to gain therapeutic benefits. Holy Basil – Tulsi is an important medicinal plants in india. The parts of tulsi generally used are, leaves, flowers, seeds, stems and dried roots.

Image by : Prabhjot Singh
Tulsi is rich anti-oxidant cleanser, antiseptic, antibiotic and antimalaria. It helps to restores the natural suppleness of all skin types. Keep your whole family healthy by using Tulsi Drops. it will increase your immunity and kill your diseases. it is Natural Immunity Booster without any side effects. If you take few drops of Tusli Drops daily you may feel Relief from several Diseases. Tulsi Drops balances the refining touch of Tulsi and other herbal ingredients, to calm the skin and the senses.
Health Benefits of Tulsi
Healing Power
Fever & Common Cold & Coughs
Sore Throat & Respiratory Disorder
Remove Kidney Stone & Mouth Infections
Helpful in Skin, Teeth & Eyes Disorder
Natural Health Curing Qualities