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March 16, 2017Tulsi – A Shield Against Diseases
Today, we live in a flourishing economy. The struggle for survival, at least for now, is a thing of the past. Gadgets, great food, infinite opportunities to travel and find love, the oysters of life are just hanging there, waiting for us to make the leap and suck the marrow out of them.
Unfortunately, many of us are prevented from making this leap by our poor health. It is just one of those drawbacks of the modern lifestyle. When you make a deal with the devil, there has to be a trade-in, and we seemed to have traded in our health.
Because of the way we live now, our immunity system has become as fragile as a silk-worm’s cocoon. Diseases, never heard of before, are popping up everywhere, and afflicting humanity, en-masse. Zika, bird-flu, chickengunya, ad-nauseam, ad-infinitum.

What is the solution to this mayhem ? One word: prevention. Better than cure, cheaper too !
What can aid us in this endeavor ? A special little herb, that can be grown as a plant in any household, and that goes by the name of Tulsi, or Holy Basil.
Revered by many Indians as a holy plant, Tulsi has a number of fixed and volatile oils that act on and strengthen our respiratory, digestive and immune system, amidst many other benefits. Ingestion of a few tulsi leaves on a regular basis, leaves our body with increased powers to fight the microbes that are responsible for diseases ranging from viral infections to tuberculosis.
Match that up with a healthy lifestyle, and chances are, you are not looking at too many sick days in your life.

Jolly Tulsi-51 Drops – Natural Immunity Booster
Imbibed with all the natural benefits of Tulsi, comes our 100% ayurvedic Syrup, Jolly 51. In case, you are not naturally disposed towards growing a tulsi plant of your own, Tulsi-51 has got you covered. A natural immunity booster with zero side-effects, it contains concentrated liquid extracts of rare 5 types of Tulsi. Along with building immunity, it is also helpful in fever, cold, cough, headaches, eye-disorders, skin-breakouts and a variety of other ailments.