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July 1, 2016
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July 1, 2016The 7 Habits of Highly Stylish People
E verything about their look seems comfortable, confident, nonchalant yet deliberate at the same time.Anyone can know the hottest labels and trends. Anyone with money can buy them. Owning fancy "it" brand pieces can get you a few Instagram - worthy photos, but having genuine style takes a little more. We’re not born with style . . . style is something we develop, nourish and nurture; it is a journey and a fun one if we can learn to embrace and enjoy it. Moreover, trick is to find your own style and go with it whole – heartedly, don’t dip in and out of other styles, try the latest fashion trends what other people wear. Find your own style personality and allow it to evolve. Your aim is to Love every outfit in your wardrobe and feel amazing every day. They always look fabulous but never seem to be trying too hard. In addition to this, they combine clothes in ways you never even considered. They wear outfits that you could never pull off, except can you!I doubt I am the most in vogue person there is out there but I will say that I am a woman who takes pride in trying to look presentable when I leave the house; and these are my seven habits for emulating a person of style.
Habit 1 : Know Yourself
This may seem really obvious but I do think it’s supremely important to recognize who you are and who you aren’t. For example, if you are a no-frills, fuss-free sort of person, you probably wouldn’t want to be dressed up in lace frocks and have sequins all over you. It confuses me when I see people dress the way they completely aren’t. If you’re a girl who loves her frilly frocks, I doubt you would feel comfortable rocking the leather pants and studs look, as much as you may love the look on your favourite celebrity.Identify yourself and dress as you please. Don’t pick up trends just because they’re in because if it isn’t you, it’s going to be pretty obvious. Stick to what you feel the most comfortable in, and what you feel represents the ‘you’ you want to portray to the world. When you do, half the battle is already won.
Habit 2 : The Value of Cost/Wear
I am all about the cheap retail and high street brands these days. Ever since the economy took a dive and never recovered, I’ve been trying to be more conscious about what I put my money into. I know most males roll their eyes when females use this as a justification but the cost/wear argument really holds true for classic pieces. It’s sometimes a battle trying to justify a big purchase for something when you know you can probably get a cheaper version and save your money to buy yet another cheap item that would make you happy, but trust me when I say a well-tailored coat, a timeless bag and comfy classic shoes are things that you just need in your wardrobe and they will be worth the money.
Habit 3 : Be Resourceful
I love doing research when it comes to shopping. I guess my number one tip when it comes to being resourceful is being internet savvy. Google is your friend! For instance, when I wanted to buy some House of Harlow jewellery, I could’ve just purchased it off the site I initially saw it on. But instead, I Googled the label and discovered all the sites that sold it, took a quick browse and ended up purchasing off a site that offered free international shippingand also had the cheapest prices for the item. It might seem like a lot of work but hey, every penny saved is well worth it.
Habit 4 : Think Positive Reinforcement
It was so comfortable and it meant I never had to hold in my stomach. But what I forgot was that I am no supermodel so I mostly looked like I was trying to pull off maternity wear. I sincerely hope that there’s no one out there who honestly believes that they have zero redeeming qualities about their bodies, because trust me, there always is! I have an ample bust so I’m always weary about exposing it too much but it works best in V-neckines or lower necklines as high necklines tend to make me look just plain larger than I really am. Sack dresses so glad they are out now. I think it’s important to know what you’re positive body attributes are and to accentuate it. If you have a tiny waist, nipped in dresses and the tucked-in look would be so flattering.

Image by : Citizenwatch
Habit 5: Be Detail-Oriented
It is one of my beliefs that gorgeous lingerie is a woman’s equivalent to the Power Suit. I am not sure if this is anti-feminist of me, but it honestly makes me feel a lot better when I put on pretty, matching lingerie on the start of a horrendously early day on which I have ten million things to check off my to-do list. Some believe in the power of the perfect accessory, so even a drab corporate outfit with the right pair of diamond earrings would put a bounce in their step. Or perhaps the right arms candy, or even the perfectly winged black eyeliner.Something about knowing you put that little effort in makes a lot of difference. But it does not have to be lingerie. Some of my girlfriends feel more confident when they have perfectly manicured nails.
Habit 6 : Think Bigger Picture
You may not always have perfectly manicured nails but if your nail polish is chipped, please take the time to just remove them. Even bare nails look better than chipped, jagged pieces of color on your nails. Hair and makeup are essential to completing the look. I do not recommend heat styling on a daily basis but a really good haircut does wonders for reducing the need for heat styling tools.Professional manicures and pedicures may not be the most cost efficient thing but DIY manicures and pedicures are pretty amazing, too. By this I mean, trimmed cuticles, clean nail beds, properly shaped nails and toes that you wouldn’t be horrified to expose to strangers.
Habit 7 : It’s All in the Attitude
Confidence is the best accessory you can put on because it changes everything. All the habits above are catered to boost your confidence because let’s be honest, looking good makes you feel good. A woman who walks with her head held high, her shoulders pulled back, and a comfortable stride is a woman of confidence.But there is something to be said about a woman who can work a simple white tee with blue jeans and still be able to turn heads. That, my friends, is confidence. Sometimes you won’t even realize you’re faking it anymore because that confidence has become real.